Friday, November 7, 2008

First Blog Ever

I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time now. There is so much going on around me these days that time seems to be warping by at an incredible speed. I'm hoping that a blog will help me make sense of the things happening from one day to the next.

I have to be honest, I'm not good at keeping these things up to date. My Facebook friends probably wonder if I even use the site. This is supposed to be easier and more convenient, so we'll see if this works for me or if it slowly dies by natural causes.


Unknown said...

Dan, I am ashamed of you, being my son, and you talking so much about your alderman duties about finances etc for the city of Grande Prairie. While your blog seems to be fully interesting to some I would have thought you would have put a small notice in about your neice Keeley Lainchbury and how she met with the city council at the young age of 11, wanting to have installed another crosswalk in the Kiteria Mission area so the children would be safe. I beleive she is out for your job and then on to Dwights`job. So look out Grande Prairie Keeley Lainchbury is on the rise to power. Love from Mommy

Leslie said...

Welcome to the world of blogging, Dan. I'll look forward to reading more. And I can completely relate to the challenges of keeping up with the writing--my blog is sporadic at best.