Monday, March 19, 2012

Career Change to Financial Advisor

I made the decision this year to make a career change into the profession of Financial Advisor. My friends Jason Lainchbury and Doug Morris have convinced me that this would be a good long-term career decision for someone like me who has a good sense of financial numbers and has a good network of contacts throughout the city. Previously, I handled all their I.T. work, so I was familiar with their industry. I had also been a client for many years, having purchased many different products from them, and have a great deal of respect for the service they offer.

I enrolled in a course offered by the Business Career College and started getting into the text book early in 2012. My goal was to get through the provincial exam and licensed by the spring. I can attest to the difficulties in taking a correspondence course while trying to keep an existing career running. City Council duties along with my computer technology business kept me distracted enough that I seriously questioned whether or not I’d get through the material in time. In the end, it came down to biting the bullet and booking the exam time. You can’t back out once you have everything booked.

So today, I’m proud to say that the exam went well and I’m currently in the process of filing my licensing papers. I’ll be able to start selling insurance and segregated fund investments right away and get the career started. I’ve already set up my office and have a bit of a strategy for the types of products I’d like to start with first. This is a competitive industry and I’m hoping to prove myself early as a strong member of this profession.

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