Sunday, March 22, 2009

Marathon Training Update

For the past few weeks I have been training on the treadmill, trying to increase my distance. I have a long time to train, so I'm not pushing it as hard as I could. I've been mixing it between longer runs to increase distance, and shorter but faster runs to improve strength and stamina. I've finally been able to get over the "treadmill boredom" by focusing on watching T.V. and listening to my iPod shuffle. Here are the results:

Short run: 11km in about 1 hour
Long run: 20km in about 2 hours

The days that I only run for an hour, I try to get some strength training by working my legs on the machines. I think that will be the key for me - bulking up the muscles on my skinny legs.

Today, we took a group from the GP Run/Walk Club out for a training run. It was cold and icy, but we all persevered through the winter-like conditions and felt great. We'll all be training for the Press Run on May 30th for either the 10km or 21km race. Karen and I are leading the training for the 10km intermediate running group. We started the training at 3.5km and will build from there. In 10 weeks, everyone in our group should be ready to run 10km.

My comment on running outside today is that it felt very different from the treadmill. The ground was hard, the air was cold, and the wind chapped by face and hands. Also, no T.V. to keep my mind occupied, so I had to settle for conversation with fellow runners. All in all, it was a great experience and I can't wait until next week.

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