Sunday, March 22, 2009

Multiplex or Hospital?

I've heard many positive comments about the need for a new aquatics centre and multiplex in Grande Prairie. Our Leisure Centre is a great facility, but the pool is busting at the seams and its condition is up for review in a few years. The new facility should be able to satisfy the needs of the community for a while, but I really believe that we'll outgrow it in short time. There will be a need to build a facility on the north side of the city to make it easier for those residents to access a recreational centre.

A very common comment that I've been hearing is that some residents feel that a new hospital or a twinned bypass is more important that a new multiplex. Although that question is debatable, the truth is that hospitals and bypasses are the jurisdiction and responsibility of the provincial government. City Council is consulted to some degree about these infrastructure needs, but the real decisions are made by provincial bodies, like the Health Region and Alberta Transportation. If you wish to have your voice heard on these topics, it is best to contact your local MLAs, Wayne Drysdale or Mel Knight.

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