Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Marathon Training

This is a tough one! Training for a marathon this year means that I have to commit to running on the treadmill for hours on end. I find the treadmill is as much an exercise in alleviating boredon as anything else. The built-in television is pretty awesome, but the commercial breaks seems to drag on and on.

So far I've been fairly consistent with my weekly training. Every week, Karen and I are doing a longer run at the gym. We're at the 2 hour mark and still increasing steadily. I found myself with a couple of busy weeks in a row, so I missed my mid-week workouts. Also fought off the start of a cold. Consequently, Karen kicked my butt last week by a mile over the 2 hours. I'll have to smarten up.

We took a trip to Drumheller to Karen's family, but still managed to find a treadmill at the local gym. Running for the first time without a t.v. made it really tough. I'm going to have to learn to run without those types of distractions soon. Can't wait until we can run outside.

The half-marathon in May in coming up soon and we are both more than ready. The goal is to pick up our speeds and make a good time. Feeling pretty good so far. The training gets much tougher from this point on. I'll keep you posted.

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