Saturday, October 2, 2010


Thursday, Sept. 9th – Community Futures Board Meeting
- Western Economic Diversification has not yet provided Community Futures with a new 5 year contract. As part of the last federal budget, they were only able to provide funding for 1 year, with a promise to re-address the funding within the next year.
- Without funding, the organization would be at risk of shutting down, however we remain optimistic the organization will be seen as a success. In the meantime, we continue to operate as usual and hope that funding in Western Canada is approved shortly.
- With the help of our grant specialist, the Wapiti Corridor Planning Society received a $75,000 CIP grant to help develop the multi-use plan along the Wapiti River.
- The Agri-Food Value Chain Project is well under way. They are currently in the interview stage with people in agriculture industry, matching them up with other businesses and individuals and developing business plans to take them to the next level. Only a few are ready to go, but there are over 100 individuals to be interviewed.
- Community Futures has also helped to set up the contracts for the Tourism Destination Marketing Fund project. By next spring we should see an Tourism Economic Impact Study and a website to allow for online reservations for owners and operators of any tourist destination facility in the region.

Wednesday, Sept. 8th & Thursday, Sept. 9th – Alberta CARE Conference at the Holiday Inn.
- Successful conference with over 180 elected officials, municipal staff and recycling facility operators in attendance from all over the province.

Friday, Sept. 10th – Tender Opening at City Hall

Saturday, Sept. 11th – South Fire Hall for the Firefighter’s Memorial commemorating the fallen firefighters of 911 and fallen firefighters across Canada.

Sunday, Sept. 12th – Multiplex One Year Out Celebration at the Coca Cola Centre.

Tuesday, Sept. 14th – Rotary Food Bank Drive for the Salvation Army.
- collected over 102,000 items. Increase of 25% over the previous year, which was a 60% increase over the year before that.

Wednesday, Sept. 15th – Community Knowledge Campus Steering Committee Meeting

Thursday, Sept. 16th – Multiplex Regional Resource Committee Meeting.

Thursday, Sept. 16th – Holiday Inn Relaunch Party.
- launch of their new look.
- Pacrim hospitality has renovated the rooms in the Holiday Inn and is planning to re-invent the restaurant in the future.
- Extended a thank you to the City for hosting the Alberta CARE conference in their facility.

Friday, Sept. 17th – GP Airport for the Airport Expansion Celebration.
- Congratulations to the Chairman Gustafson and the rest of the Airport Commission on a much needed and successful expansion project.

Friday, Sept. 17th – Tender Opening at City Hall

Saturday, Sept. 18th – Attended the Community Foundation Gala as a volunteer wine steward.
- The CF plays an integral part in our city by promoting philanthropy throughout the community. Through the CF, anyone can start a permanent community endowment fund to provide grants to individual or community group in need. The category can range from arts, to sports, to education. Saturday night was an excellent event and I’d like to congratulate new board chair Brent Oilund, E.D. Tracey Vavrek and the staff of the CF on a successful evening.

Sunday, Sept. 19th – Volunteered for the Terry Fox Run at Muskoseepi Park and listened to the Mayor deliver a speech about Terry Fox to kick off the event.

Monday, Sept. 20th – City Hall to meet the other candidates for the Oct. 18th election.
- today was the deadline for nomination forms to be submitted by candidates running for Alderman and Mayor. I wish all the candidates the best of luck.

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